August 2021 News

August 19, 2021
Katherine Daiy, doctoral student in biological anthropology, was awarded the National Science Foundation prestigious Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement grant. She will study the association between indus trialized ecologies and infant gut microbiome development in Samoa, with emphasis on... Read more
August 11, 2021
New radiocarbon dates on human remains from Machu Picchu, push the founding of the iconic royal Inca retreat back minimally 20 years, from 1440 to 1420. Samples of 26 individuals recovered from four cemeteries during Yale’s 1912 Machu Picchu excavations were subject to accelerator mass spectrometry... Read more
August 5, 2021
Serena Tucci is a co-author of an invited review article on the role of structural variation in human evolution, published in the prestigious journal Trends in Genetics.   The article highlights human-specific structural variants involved in changes in the brain, population-specific structural... Read more