
August 5, 2021
Serena Tucci is a co-author of an invited review article on the role of structural variation in human evolution, published in the prestigious journal Trends in Genetics.   The article highlights human-specific structural variants involved in changes in the brain, population-specific structural... Read more
July 3, 2021
The Yale undergraduates made history last week by attending the 1st Yale Undergraduate Workshop on Ancient DNA and Bioinformatics Methods (July 21-24), organized by Dr. Serena Tucci (Anthropology) and Dr. Gisella Caccone (EEB) and instructors Nicole Fusco, Patrick Reilly and Alysa Pomer. Students... Read more
May 12, 2021
Congratulations to Chandana Anusha who has accepted a position as Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Mellon Initiative in Architecture, Urbanism, & the Humanities at Princeton University, to begin in September 2021. Chandana Anusha completed a PhD thesis earlier this year in sociocultural... Read more
April 14, 2021
Congratulations to Lav Kanoi, a 3rd-year student and PhD candidate in the combined doctoral program between Anthropology and the School of the Environment, who has been awarded a Dissertation Fieldwork Grant by the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research to support his project titled “... Read more
April 13, 2021
Mexico’s Coordinación Nacional de Conservación del Patrimonio Cultural (CNCPC) recently published a bulletin (also reviewed in the Smithsonian Magazine)  highlighting the conservation of a “human-sized” stucco sculpture first identified and researched by graduate student Jacob Welch. The ancient... Read more
February 24, 2021
Dr. Amy Johnson, who graduated in December 2020 with a PhD in the combined program in Anthropology and the School of the Environment, has accepted a three-year appointment as Research Fellow, Faculty of Engineering and Environment, Department of Geography and Environmental Sciences, Northumbria... Read more
February 8, 2021
The pioneering work of an interdisciplinary team, led by our own Catherine Panter-Brick, was featured in Terror and Hope: The Science of Resilience which took Best Documentary Short at the Raw Science Film Festival. Research was conducted in partnership with Mercy Corps, We Love Reading,... Read more