PhD candidate Roy Celaire receives the 2024 John Gwaltney Scholarship Award
This award is bestowed by the Association of Black Anthropologists (a section of the American Anthropological Association) for an original essay
PhD students Devi Nayar, Logan Emlet, and Charlotte Bednarski co-organize symposium
“The shape of space – A conversation on the making of metaphors, materiality, and geometries of power” featured graduate student panelists
Catherine Panter-Brick’s research featured in Yale daily news
Her research highlights discontent among aid workers and the influence of power and privilege in the humanitarian sector
PhD candidate Shoko Yamada awarded the 2024 Nancy Abelmann Prize
This award, for an Outstanding Graduate Student Paper, is bestowed by the American Anthropology Association’s Society for East Asian Anthropology.
Professor Richard Burger and Lucy Salazar honored by the Peruvian government
In Lima in December 2024, Richard L. Burger and Lucy Salazar were honored by the Peruvian congress for their exceptional and dedicated contributions
Commemorating 500 Years Since the First Failed Spanish Invasion of Kushkatan, El Salvador 1524-2024: Symposium Proceedings Published
PhD candidate Carlos Flores Manzano leads presentation highlighting the recent publication of the June 2024 symposium proceedings
PhD candidate Sarah Martini publishes paper on excavations in the highlands of northern Peru
Her NSF-funded research provides the first radiocarbon dates and intriguing evidence for social connections with Ecuador and central Peru
Catherine Panter-Brick's research demonstrates a link between volunteering and empowerment in Jordan
Her research shows how Syrian refugees and Jordanian women articulated feelings of empowerment, satisfaction and the benefits of volunteering
PhD candidate Adrian Everett co-organizes colloquium highlighting Archaeological collections at Yale
The colloquium, “Working with Archaeological Collections at the Yale Peabody Museum” highlighted exciting research opportunities and outcomes
Michael Dove featured in the Yale News
Yale anthropologist Dove argues that a more holistic approach to the study of natural history would help counter growing skepticism of science