Aika Sato

Aika Sato

PhD Student

Aika is an aspiring sociocultural anthropologist, pursuing a combined degree in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (WGSS). Her academic interests center on the colonial legacies of Japanese imperialism in East Asia, specifically focusing on the issue of comfort women. Her research adopts a transnational lens and explores broader themes such as the generational inheritance of memory, postcolonial trauma, gender, sexuality, and affect. Through her work, she is committed to giving special attention to how the spectacularized (post)colonial violence seeps into and unfolds in the everyday relations.

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Sociocultural & WGSS


Yukiko Koga


B.A. Liberal Arts, Waseda University; B.A. Political Science, National University of Singapore; M.A. China Studies, Peking University (Yenching Academy); M.A. East Asian Studies, Yale University

Sato’s Website