Anne Underhill

Anne Underhill

Professor of Anthropology
Curator at the Peabody Museum

Anne P. Underhill specializes in the archaeology of East Asia (primarily China). She has collaborated with archaeologists at Shandong University, China, in regional survey and excavation since 1995. The focus has been understanding changes in regional settlement and economic organization during the late prehistoric and early Bronze Age periods in the Rizhao area of southeastern Shandong. The team has published several articles in English and Chinese about the survey and excavation at the late prehistoric site of Liangchengzhen. Anne’s archaeological research interests include investigation of craft production (especially ceramics), exchange systems, diet, and mortuary ritual. She also conducted ethnoarchaeological fieldwork in areas of western China where people continue to use traditional techniques in pottery production (Guizhou and Xinjiang provinces). Her related interests are ethnoarchaeology, ethnic minority cultures of China, museum anthropology, and protecting sites from the illegal antiquities market. Anne was honored with a National Friendship Award from the government of China in 2008.

Before moving to Yale for the spring 2010 semester, Anne was a curator of East Asian anthropology at the Field Museum in Chicago and taught at the University of Illinois-Chicago. Prior to that she taught at Franklin and Marshall College, McGill University, and Yale (1995-1999). She is very happy to be back.

2013. A.P. Underhill, ed. A Companion to Chinese Archaeology. Wiley-Blackwell Press.
2016. Liangchengzhen Sino-American Team (editors F. Luan, A.P. Underhill, H. Yu, H. Fang, F. Cai, F. Wang, G. Cunnar). Liangchengzhen- 1998-2001 Excavation Report (in Chinese, 4 volumes). Wenwu Press. 
2021. Underhill, A.P, G. Cunnar, F. Luan, G. Crawford, H. Yu, H. Fang, F. Wang, H. Wu. Urbanization in the eastern seaboard (Haidai) area of northern China: Perspectives from the late Neolithic site of Liangchengzhen. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 62: 101288.
2021. Druc, I., A.P. Underhill, F. Wang, F. Luan, Q. Lu, Q. Hu, M. Guo, Y. Liu. Late Neolithic white wares from southeastern Shandong, China: The tricks to produce a white looking pot with not much kaolin. Results from petrography, XRD and SEM-EDS analyses. Journal of Archaeological Science Reports: 35: 102673. 
2022. Fang, H., A.P. Underhill, G.M. Feinman, L.M. Nicholas, F. Luan, H. Yu, F. Cai. Development of Complex Societies in Southeastern Shandong, China. Yale University Publications in Anthropology Series No. 97. 
2023. Li, T., A.P. Underhill, S. Shan. Shijiahe and its implications for understanding urbanism in late Neolithic China. Journal of Urban Archaeology 5: 13349. 

Contact Info

+1 (203) 436-4258

51 Hillhouse Avenue, Room 208




Ph.D. University of British Columbia, 1990