Estanislau Pazmino headshot

Estanislao Pazmiño

PhD Student

I am an archaeologist mainly interested in Andean and Amazonian archaeology. My research
focuses on the study of the forms of social interaction that flowed between different
geographical and cultural regions with particular attention to the role that exchange, religion and
landscape played on the configuration of early societies. My background includes experience in
cultural heritage management and archaeological research in diverse geographic regions such
as the upper Amazon, the eastern and western slopes of the Andes, and the highlands of


Pazmiño, Estanislao (2021) Monumentality and Social Complexity in the Upano Valley, Upper
Amazon of Ecuador In: The Archaeology of the Upper Amazon: Complexity and Interaction in
the Andean Tropical Forest, edited by Ryan Clasby and Jason Nesbitt. University Press of

Pazmiño, Estanislao (2014) Huataviro y los señoríos de la sierra norte del Ecuador [Huataviro
and the Chiefdoms of the Northern Sierra of Ecuador]. In: Revista del Instituto Nacional de
Patrimonio Cultura [Journal of the National Institute of Cultural Heritage]l. Pp. 56-69. INPC.
Quito, Ecuador.

Rostain, Stéphen and Estanislao Pazmiño (2013) Treinta Años de Investigación a las Faldas
de Sangay [Thirty Years of Research on the Slopes of Sangay]. In: Memorias del Congreso
Internacional de Arqueología de la Alta Amazonía [Memoirs of the International Archaeology
Congress of the Upper Amazon]. Edited by Francisco Valdéz. Pp. 55-82. Institut de recherche
pour le développement. Quito, Ecuador.

Pazmiño, Estanislao (2010) Desarrollo Cultural Prehispánico en el Valle del Alto Upano:
Análisis Cerámico en el Sitio “La Lomita”, Morona Santiago, Ecuador [Prehispanic Cultural
Development in the Upper Upano Valley: Ceramic Analysis at the Site “La Lomita”, Morona
Santiago, Ecuador]. In: Cuadernos de Investigación [Research Journal], No. 8. Pp 149-165.
PUCE. Quito, Ecuador.

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Richard Burger