Uyen Dang

Uyen Dang

PhD Student

“Uyen Phuong Dang is a writer and PhD student in Sociocultural Anthropology at Yale. Her research is concerned with Vietnamese futurities, cities, and acts of memorialization as they play out at the intersections of speculative anthropology, urban-memory studies, and the arts.


She received a BA in Anthropology from Dartmouth (2021), where her thesis, written amid Covid-19 lockdowns in Vietnam, engaged with café apartments in Saigon and a collaborative form of digital ethnography to explore how memories of the city are simultaneously shaping and being shaped by its Gen Zers. She was also a recipient of a Fulbright to Saigon (2022), where she approached questions of land, memory, lineage, and the legacies of mothers to daughters through ethnography and fiction writing. More on her work can be found here.”

Contact Info

Subfield: Sociocultural 

Degree(s): BA (Dartmouth) 

Visit Dang’s website