Veronica Waweru is a lecturer and the director of undergraduate studies at the Council on African Studies at the MacMillan Center, Yale. She has a Ph.D. from the University of Connecticut with a focus on prehistoric projectile technology in East Africa. She did her postdoctoral studies at Stonybrook University and served as field school director at the Turkana Basin Institute. At Yale, Dr. Waweru’s recent work highlights prehistoric technological adaptations in high-altitude, non-basinal settings in Mau- Narok and the Central Highlands of Kenya. In addition, she investigates the social impacts of Darwinian human origins science on communities in Africa where prehistoric research has been carried out. The social dimensions of Darwinian evolution she studies include the Cradle Paradox, alienation of locals from products of prehistory research, skin bleaching, the social value of ancient heritage, and knowledge co-production.
Director of Undergraduate Studies; Lecturer: Swahili and African Studies
Council on African Studies