PhD student Hatim Rachdi's article highlights challenges of queer migrants

Tuesday, August 27, 2024
Glitchy transnationalism: when queer migrants meet the state online

PhD student Hatim Rachdi’s paper, “Glitchy Transnationalism: When Queer Migrants Meet the State Online,” has been published in the journal Communication, Culture, and Critique as a part of a special issue on Transnational Queer Cultures and Digital Media, edited by Yener Bayramoğlu, Łukasz Szulc, and Radhika Gajjala, for release in September 2024. The paper is based on his ethnographic fieldwork in Athens, Greece, conducted between May 2022 and January 2024. Rachdi introduces “glitchy transnationalism” to describe the challenges queer migrants face in digital spaces under state and familial surveillance, highlighting how factors like legal status, migrancy, race, sexuality, and gender identity shape proclaimed transnational digital spaces.