Professor Richard Burger decorated by the Municipality of Pachacámac
On the occasion of the Municipality’s 450th anniversary, the Mayor of Pachacámac, Peru decorated Richard Burger with formal honors in recognition of his many years serving as the Scientific Director of the Cardal Archaeological Program and having contributed to the cultural development of the city.
Pachacámac was the most famous oracular center in the Inca empire and it was visited by Pizarro in search of gold shortly after the Spanish invasion. After destroying the religious center, the Spanish set up a town nearby organized according to Iberian standards. It is one of the oldest towns in Peru and its mayor is committed to developing its historical heritage to encourage tourism. Since 1985 Lucy Salazar and Professor Richard Burger have directed excavations at three early archaeological sites in the district: Cardal, Manchay Bajo and Mina Perdida. All three date to the second millennium BC.